Butterflies Love Them!!

Butterflies Love Them!!

Loved by Butterflies

Loved by Butterflies

Hardy Tall Phlox (phlox paniculata)   Butterflies and humming birds are captivated by the spicy scent and large, colorful flower heads. This dependable perennial will bring you loads of bright color during the middle of summer – just when other things are looking kind of droopy. The huge 5-6 inch flowers are fragrant and showy, with brilliant, non-fading color lasting for months. The foliage is dense and compact with deep green lance shaped leaves.

These plants will die to the ground each winter, only to reappear every spring – stronger than ever!

  Excellent for perennial borders, cut flowers, cottage flower beds, rock gardens, containers or as specimen plant. Plant in waves throughout your flower beds for a striking, eye-catching river of color. These plants grow tall so plant behind shorter perennials.

These hardy plants can be planted in full sun to part shade. I actually have some in part shade and they still continue to flourish.  Plants grow to around 3-4 feet tall and 2 feet wide. They form clumps with stiff, erect, leafy stems that are able to hold the large blossoms upright without staking. Propagate by division or stem cuttings. They are hardy zones 3 – 8.

Garden Phlox will provide you with low maintenance,  long-blooming masses of color in both sunny and shaded areas. Deadhead to keep the blooms coming and make sure you cut some of the long stems to bring inside for a tall vase. These are the flowers that shine throughout the summer and receive the biggest praises from visitors. Make sure you come by the Ranch and get yours today.

White tall phlox

Purple Phlox

Purple Phlox

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