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Herb container with Rosemary

Herb container with Rosemary

Rosemary is a staple for any herb garden , known as a highly scented herb used to season poultry, meat, and fish, bread and deserts.     Rosemary is one of those versatile herbs that makes a beautiful ornamental plant as well as a welcome culinary seasoning. Its Latin name, Rosmarinus officinalis , means “dew of the sea” and rosemary is often associated with Mediterranean cooking.  Rosemary is favored in culinary dishes such as rosemary chicken and lamb,  It is a good source of iron, calcium, and vitamin B6.  The herb has be known for its medicinal properties since ancient times.  Rosemary was used to help alleviate muscle pain, improve memory, promote hair growth and boost the immune and circulatory system. Rosemary joins other herbs such as oregano, thyme, basil, and lavender as member of the mint family Lamiaceae.

Rosemary is a perennial in zones 8- 10 where temperature remain above 10 degrees F.  It is an annual in cooler climates.  Potted plants can be brought into a sunny window for the winter for prolonged enjoyment.  .  They grow to a height of 2 feet and up to 6 feet in warmer zones.  Snip fresh foliage as need all year long or dry for later use.   Propagate by cuttings taken in late summer or by layering.

Rosemary is often paired with lavender and thyme to make soaps and herbal bath salts as their oils seem to last longer on the skin.  Strip the leaves off for drying to have home grown Rosemary all year.

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